
1. Purpose

This policy outlines the guidelines for the maintenance, inspection, and safe operation of elevators within the condominium building to ensure the safety and convenience of residents, guests, and staff.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all elevators within the condominium property, including passenger and service elevators.

3. Responsibilities

  • Condominium Corporation/Board:

    • Develop and maintain this Elevator Maintenance Policy.

    • Ensure the availability of funds for elevator maintenance and repairs.

    • Contract with a licensed and qualified elevator maintenance company.

    • Oversee the implementation of this policy.

  • Property Manager:

    • Coordinate with the elevator maintenance company to schedule inspections and repairs.

    • Maintain records of all elevator maintenance and repair activities.

    • Report any elevator issues or malfunctions to the Board and elevator maintenance company.

  • Elevator Maintenance Company:

    • Perform regular inspections, maintenance, and repairs as per the contract and applicable codes.

    • Maintain detailed records of all maintenance and repair activities.

    • Provide emergency service 24/7 for elevator malfunctions.

  • Residents/Guests:

    • Report any elevator issues or concerns to the property manager.

    • Use elevators safely and responsibly.

    • Refrain from tampering with elevator equipment.

4. Maintenance Schedule

  • Regular Maintenance:

    • The elevator maintenance company shall perform routine maintenance as specified in the contract, including lubrication, adjustments, cleaning, and safety checks.

    • The minimum frequency of routine maintenance shall comply with local regulations and manufacturer recommendations.

  • Inspections:

    • The elevator maintenance company shall conduct periodic inspections as required by local regulations, typically annually or bi-annually.

    • Inspections shall include a thorough examination of all elevator components and safety devices.

  • Testing:

    • The elevator maintenance company shall perform safety tests as required by local regulations and manufacturer recommendations.

    • Tests may include load tests, emergency stop tests, and fire service operation tests.

5. Emergency Procedures

  • Elevator Entrapment:

    • If trapped in an elevator, remain calm and press the alarm button.

    • Use the intercom or phone (if available) to contact the property manager or elevator maintenance company.

    • Do not attempt to pry open the doors or escape on your own.

  • Elevator Malfunction:

    • If an elevator is malfunctioning (e.g., unusual noises, jerky movement), exit immediately and report the issue to the property manager.

6. Records

  • The property manager shall maintain a logbook of all elevator maintenance and repair activities, including dates, details of work performed, and the name of the technician.

  • Inspection and test certificates shall be filed and accessible upon request.

7. Communication

  • The property manager shall communicate any planned elevator maintenance or disruptions to residents in advance.

  • Notices shall be posted in common areas and/or sent via email or other communication channels.

8. Review

  • This Elevator Maintenance Policy shall be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with local regulations and industry standards.

Disclaimer: This policy is a template and should be reviewed and adapted by legal counsel to comply with local regulations and the specific requirements of the condominium corporation.